Dental Crown


Dental crowns, also known as dental caps, are custom-made prosthetic restorations that are placed over a damaged or decayed tooth. They essentially act as a protective covering, completely encasing the visible portion of the tooth above the gum line.


Model of a dental crown

Why Do I Need A Dental Crown?

Dental crowns serve a variety of purposes and can be recommended for several reasons, including:

  1. Tooth protection: Crowns are used to protect weak and damaged teeth from further deterioration. They provide a barrier against decay, fractures, and other potential hazards.

  2. Restoring tooth function: If a tooth has been severely decayed or weakened due to a fracture, a crown can be used to restore its strength and functionality. This allows patients to chew and bite with ease, improving their overall oral health.

  3. Improving aesthetics: Crowns can enhance the appearance of teeth that are discoloured, misshapen, or have large fillings. By covering the natural tooth with a crown, it can be transformed into a more aesthetically pleasing and natural-looking shape.

  4. Supporting dental bridges: Dental crowns are also used to support dental bridges. A bridge consists of one or more artificial teeth anchored by crowns on either side. The crowns are bonded to the existing teeth, providing support and stability to the bridge.

  5. Covering dental implants: In cases where a tooth is missing, a dental implant may be used to replace it. A dental crown is then placed on top of the implant, creating a natural-looking and functional tooth replacement.


What Are The Benefits Of Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns offer numerous benefits for both oral health and aesthetics. Here are some of the key advantages:

  1. Protection and Strengthening: Dental crowns provide excellent protection and reinforcement for weakened or damaged teeth. They help to restore the tooth's structure, preventing further deterioration or breakage. Crowns are often used after root canal treatment or when a tooth has a large filling or significant decay.

  2. Durability: Crowns are known for their durability and long lifespan. With proper care and regular dental check-ups, a well-maintained dental crown can last for many years, providing a reliable solution for tooth restoration.

  3. Improved Appearance: Dental crowns can enhance the appearance of your smile by restoring the shape, size, and color of a damaged tooth. They are custom-made to match the shade of your natural teeth, ensuring a seamless and natural-looking result.

  4. Restored Function: A dental crown can significantly improve the function of a weakened or damaged tooth. Whether it is difficulty biting and chewing or sensitivity to hot or cold foods, a crown can restore the normal function of the tooth, allowing for comfortable eating and improved oral health.

  5. Versatility: Dental crowns are versatile and can be used to address multiple dental issues. They can be used to repair cracked, chipped, or heavily decayed teeth. Crowns can also be used to cover discolored or misshapen teeth, improving the overall appearance of your smile.

  6. Comfort: Dental crowns are custom-made to fit and blend seamlessly with your natural teeth. Once placed, they provide a comfortable and natural feel, allowing for normal speech and eating without any discomfort or irritation.

  7. Restoration of Dental Implants: Dental crowns are commonly used to restore dental implants. These crowns are attached to the implant post, mimicking the appearance and function of a natural tooth.

Dental crown should look as natural as your original tooth


Types Of Dental Crowns

There are several materials used for creating dental crowns, each with its own set of advantages and considerations. The most common types include:

  1. Porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM) crowns: These crowns have a metal base covered with tooth-coloured porcelain. They offer both strength and aesthetics, providing a natural appearance.

  2. All-ceramic or all-porcelain crowns: These crowns are made entirely of ceramic or porcelain material. They are an excellent choice for those concerned about metal allergies or looking for the most natural-looking restoration.

  3. Metal crowns: Typically made of gold or other base metals, metal crowns are highly durable and offer excellent longevity. However, they are less aesthetically appealing and are usually reserved for less visible areas, such as molars.

  4. Zirconia crowns: Zirconia is a strong and biocompatible material that provides both strength and aesthetics. These crowns are often preferred for their durability and natural appearance.


Dental Crowns Vs Dental Bridges

While dental crowns and dental bridges are both prosthetic restorations used to improve the strength and appearance of teeth, they have different purposes and applications. Here are the key differences between these two dental treatments:

  1. Purpose: Dental crowns are primarily used to protect and restore individual damaged or decayed teeth. They cover the entire visible portion of the tooth above the gum line. On the other hand, dental bridges are used to replace one or more missing teeth by anchoring artificial teeth (pontics) to crowns placed on adjacent teeth.

  2. Number of teeth involved: Dental crowns typically involve the treatment of a single tooth. They are used to repair and strengthen a single damaged tooth. Dental bridges, on the other hand, involve multiple teeth. They require crowns to be placed on both sides of the gap left by missing teeth to support the bridge.

  3. Procedure: The process for getting a dental crown is relatively straightforward. It involves reshaping the damaged tooth, taking impressions, and placing a temporary crown while the permanent one is being fabricated. Once ready, the temporary crown is removed, and the permanent crown is placed and cemented onto the tooth. Dental bridges, on the other hand, require more extensive preparation. The adjacent teeth to the gap are also reshaped to accommodate the crowns. Impressions are taken, and a temporary bridge is placed until the permanent one is ready.

  4. Durability: Both dental crowns and dental bridges are made from durable materials like porcelain, ceramic, or metal. However, dental bridges tend to experience more wear and tear due to the stress placed on them when chewing or biting. With proper care and maintenance, both crowns and bridges can last for many years.

  5. Cost: The cost of dental crowns and dental bridges can vary depending on factors such as the material used, location, and the expertise of the dentist. Generally, dental bridges tend to be more expensive than individual crowns due to the complexity of the procedure and additional materials involved.

It is essential to consult with a dentist to determine which treatment option is suitable for your specific dental needs. They will evaluate your oral health, discuss your treatment goals, and provide you with the best course of action to restore your smile.


Dental Crown Vs Dental Implant

Deciding whether to get a dental crown or dental implant can be a significant decision, as both options have unique advantages and considerations. Understanding the differences between dental crowns and implants can help you make an informed choice that suits your specific dental needs.

About Dental Crowns:

Dental crowns are typically recommended to restore the function and appearance of a single damaged or weakened tooth. They are custom-made restorations that cover the entire visible portion of the tooth, providing protection and improving aesthetics.

Here are a few factors to consider when deciding if a dental crown is the right choice for you:

  1. Tooth Preservation: Dental crowns are a conservative treatment option as they preserve the natural tooth structure. They are particularly beneficial if the tooth has enough healthy structure remaining to support the crown.

  2. Time: The process of getting a dental crown is usually quicker and less invasive compared to dental implants. It generally requires two dental visits - one for tooth preparation and impression taking, and the other for the placement of the permanent crown.

  3. Cost: Dental crowns are generally more cost-effective compared to dental implants. However, keep in mind that the cost may vary depending on factors such as the material used for the crown and your dental insurance coverage.

About Dental Implants:

Dental implants are an excellent option for replacing missing teeth or when a tooth cannot be saved due to extensive damage or decay. They involve placing a titanium post into the jawbone, which serves as an artificial tooth root, and then attaching a dental crown on top of the implant.

Consider the following factors when deciding if dental implants are the right option for you:

  1. Longevity: Dental implants are known for their durability and can last a lifetime with proper care. They are a long-term solution that integrates with the jawbone, providing stability and preventing bone loss.

  2. Bone Health: Dental implants help preserve the integrity of the jawbone by replacing the missing tooth root. When a tooth is lost, the jawbone can start to deteriorate over time. Implants can help maintain the bone structure, preventing further complications.

  3. Function and Comfort: Dental implants provide excellent stability and function, allowing you to bite and chew comfortably. They also feel and function like natural teeth, giving you the confidence to eat, speak, and smile without any concerns.

  4. Adjacent Tooth Preservation: Unlike dental bridges, which require adjacent teeth to be used as support, dental implants do not rely on neighbouring teeth for support. This means that the adjacent teeth are left untouched, promoting better oral health and longevity for those teeth.

Ultimately, the decision between a dental crown and implant depends on your specific dental needs. Consulting with a dental professional is essential to assess your oral health, evaluate the surrounding teeth and bone structure, and determine the best treatment option for you.


Dental Crown Procedure

Getting a dental crown typically involves multiple visits to the dentist. The procedure generally follows these steps:

  1. Examination and preparation: The dentist will examine the tooth to determine if a crown is necessary. If it is, the tooth will be prepared by removing any decay or damaged tissue, reshaping it to accommodate the crown.

  2. Impression: An impression of the prepared tooth is taken, which is then sent to a dental laboratory. The dental technician uses this impression to fabricate a custom crown that is tailored to fit your bite and match the surrounding teeth.

  3. Temporary crown: While waiting for the permanent crown to be made, a temporary crown is placed over the prepared tooth to protect it.

  4. Crown placement: Once the permanent crown is ready, the temporary crown is removed, and the new crown is checked for fit and appearance. It is then permanently cemented to the tooth using dental adhesive or bonding material.


How To Take Care Of My Dental Crown?

To ensure the longevity of your dental crown, it is important to practice good oral hygiene habits such as regular brushing, flossing, and routine dental check-ups. Avoid biting down on hard objects or using your teeth as tools to prevent damage to the crown.

In case you experience any discomfort, sensitivity, or detect any changes with the crown, it is essential to consult your dentist for examination and potential adjustments.


If you take care of your dental health, your dental crown should last for a long time


How Long Will My Dental Crown Last?

Dental crowns are designed to be long-lasting, providing durability and functionality for several years. However, their lifespan can vary depending on several factors. On average, dental crowns can last anywhere from 5 to 15 years, but with proper care and maintenance, some crowns can even last up to 25 years or more.

The longevity of a dental crown is influenced by various factors such as:

  1. Material Used: The type of material used for the crown can impact its longevity. Different materials have different levels of strength and durability. 

  2. Oral Hygiene: Maintaining good oral hygiene is crucial in preserving the lifespan of a dental crown. Regular brushing and flossing, along with routine dental check-ups and professional cleanings, can help prevent decay around the crown and maintain the health of the supporting tooth underneath.

  3. Oral Habits: Habits such as teeth grinding (bruxism) and chewing on hard objects can shorten the lifespan of a dental crown. These actions can put excessive force on the crown and lead to cracks or fractures. Wearing a nightguard if you grind your teeth or avoiding biting on hard objects can help protect your crown.

  4. Tooth Location: The location of the dental crown can also affect its durability. Crowns placed on back teeth, which endure more chewing force, may experience more wear and tear and may not last as long as crowns on front teeth.

  5. Bite Alignment: If your bite is misaligned, it can put additional pressure on certain teeth, including the dental crown. This can cause premature wear and compromise the longevity of the crown. Consulting with a dentist to ensure proper bite alignment can help prolong the lifespan of the crown.

It is important to remember that even with proper care, dental crowns may eventually need to be replaced due to natural wear, decay, or other dental issues. Regular check-ups with your dentist can help detect any potential issues with your crown and allow for timely interventions to ensure its longevity.

In conclusion, while dental crowns can have a substantial lifespan, their longevity depends on various factors, including the material used, oral hygiene practices, oral habits, tooth location, and bite alignment. By taking appropriate care of your dental crown and maintaining good oral health, you can maximize its lifespan and avoid unnecessary complications.

Dental crowns provide both aesthetic and functional benefits, protecting and restoring damaged teeth. They come in various materials, allowing for customization to suit individual needs and preferences. By following proper oral hygiene practices and seeking regular dental care, your dental crown can provide lasting strength and beauty to your smile.


Treatment Cost & Payment Plan

The treatment cost ranges from $1,000 – 1,650 per tooth and depending on the type of material for the crown or bridge. The materials used are either full ceramic, porcelain-fused-to-metal or full metal.

For CAD CAM Single Day Crown, the cost is $1,650 per tooth.


Appointment Booking

With a team of dedicated dentists with more than 10 years of experience, Dental On The Bay is here to help restore your smile to its pristine condition. Chat to us today for any inquiries related to dental crowns & bridges!