Can Pandemic Stress Cause Cracked Tooth?

Hi everyone, I’m Dr Chin How Hsung - Founder and director of Dental On The Bay. 

Recently, our dental offices have seen a surge of patients with cracked tooth. While we are not 100% sure why people’s teeth are cracking more than usual, I’m inclined to believe it’s due to the prolonged pandemic stress. Dentists in other countries seem to think the same - like this report from American Dental Association.


How can pandemic stress crack my tooth?

A lot of people actually don’t realise that they grind their teeth or clench their jaw under stressed. 

In this unprecedented period, people are experiencing a high level of stress due to uncertainties in their lives - such as job security, health concern, and the lack of travel.

As a result, there’s a lot more teeth grinding and jaw clenching, which lead to tooth damage.

The second reason is due to the current work from home arrangement. Since work and life are melding together during this period, people find it difficult to stop working even outside of their office hours.  As such, people might consume more junk food compared to before

Some patients told me their working hours can sometimes extend to late night due to Zoom meetings and video conferencing with regional or international offices. This in turns encourages late-night snacking behaviours, or consumption of sugary beverages such as energy drinks or soda.

More junk food, more chance to crack a tooth.

How do I know if my tooth is cracked?

If your tooth is cracked, you will know - as cracked tooth usually result in sharp, spontaneous pain while chewing. Exposure to extreme temperature will trigger this pain, like during consumption of hot/cold drinks. 

Depend on the severity of the crack, the pain might persist or disappear without a trace.

What can I do if my tooth is cracked?

Since cracked tooth is caused by stress, you need to take care of your mental health. Manage your stress level, and try to identify if you are clenching your jaws or grinding your teeth throughout the day. Make a conscious effort to relax whenever this happens.

Some might find themselves grinding or clenching during their sleep. In this case, you should get a night guard or retainer, which acts as a physical barrier by absorbing the pressure. Some mouthguards are also designed to deprogram the jaw muscles by reducing or relaxing muscle activity levels, hence reducing the damaging forces on your teeth. Chat to your dentists to get your mouthguard if you don’t have one.

On the other hand, if you suspect you have symptoms of a cracked tooth, please do visit your dentist immediately to be diagnosed and treated correctly.


How will my cracked tooth be treated?

A cracked tooth means there’s a crack extending from the chewing surface of your tooth vertically toward the root. Early diagnosis by a professional is very important in order to save the tooth.

If the cracked line is not too deep, a crown can be fabricated to cover and protect the tooth.

If the crack has extended into the pulp, the tooth will require a root canal therapy, followed by a crown for protection.

However, if the crack extends below the gum line, the tooth is no longer salvageable and needs to be extracted. 

As I always remind my patients, early diagnosis and treatment are essential in saving these cracked teeth.

Most importantly, take good care of your mental health during these trying times, and we will get through this tough period together. 

Dr Chin HH


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